Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gratefulness, Part II

Yesterday was another day of reflection and thanks to God.  Again, I sat in my car on my lunch break, facing the lake and allowing the nice breeze to fill my car.  "God, I am SO grateful for my life!"

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go back home and visit a girlfriend that I hadn't seen in at least 15 years.  However, this visit wasn't like the others.  Her health hasn't been the greatest and what "I" thought should have been a woman in the prime of her life and living it up - I was faced with a friend trying to learn to walk again.  In between the laughs caused by reminiscing on the past, tears were shed.  My heart hurt.....

But God!  In the midst of it all, there is still yet hope as she let us in on her plans for her future and that of her kids and how she didn't plan to allow sickness defeat her.  That day God allowed me to see that He's got it all in control and that I needed to be reminded to be grateful for the things that I take for granted.  Things like waking up in the morning and standing on my own two feet.  Things like being able to make a fist.  Things like being able to sit up unassisted.

God, I'm grateful....


  1. Amen! Never take for granted the life that God has blessed you with but live it to His Glory!!!!

  2. Great post. What a reminder of His mercy & grace. God is good.
