Thursday, December 27, 2012

Simple Obedience…

Yesterday morning I woke up at 2 a.m. and I was mad.  I wanted to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t; I was wide awake.  As I prepared for bed last night I knew for sure that I’d sleep all the way through until my alarm clock went off, but nope!  2:57 a.m., my eyes popped open.  Wide awake again.  I tried to reason with God as to why I needed more sleep, seeing as how I didn’t get much the night before.  LOL – it didn’t work!  I should have learned my lesson from the last time this happened to me that God wanted to talk.  The last time this happened I woke up every day for a week the same time every morning before I finally decided to be obedient.  He doesn’t always pick times that are convenient for us when He wants to have a chat.  So out of bed I rolled and onto my knees, stopping to turn on some music to help my mind get right.

I began to just worship God.  Knowing there was a reason for Him waking me up this early two days in a row, I simply began to ask Him to show me what He wanted me to see.  “Make it plain to me God; tell me what I need to know.  Give me direction.  What message are you trying to get across to me?”  You know what?  He gave me exactly what I asked for.  So, as I got up off my knees and opened my Bible, I began to read and it was like a light bulb went off in my head.  My only response was, “Lord I’ll obey.”  1 Samuel 15:22…”To obey is better than sacrifice.”

What message is God trying to get across to you today?  What signs might you be ignoring?  Is there something that keeps coming up, like me being awaken in the wee hours of the morning consistently?  Simple obedience...

1 Samuel 15:22…”To obey is better than sacrifice.”


  1. WOW! Two days in a row I woke up at 4 am... and was mad. Like you, I was telling God, "Lord, You know I need to get some rest so I can function properly" LOL
    If we just obey without knowing everything and thinking of ourselves all the time...

    1. The Lord had to rebuke me because He was like when you want something from me - you want it quick. But when I want something from you we have to go through all this drama!

  2. I've been waking up early too; I remember your message about Him wanting to talk. I need to do this more. Maybe it's the only time He thinks we can be still and listen!

    1. I would agree with you - this is when we can be still and uninterrupted.

  3. WOW! Sure wished I read this prior to now. I had this same experience and
    ended up on line looking at recipes. Thank God for forgiveness, grace and
    mercy. Thank God for little nuggets from Christian friends... I needed this,
    really - I did. Thank you.
