Thursday, February 7, 2013

Do Unto Others...

Luke 6:31 (NIV)... "Do to others as you would have them do to you."

Just think of how much more pleasant our world would be to live in if we obeyed this scripture on a daily basis.  Why is this so hard for us to abide by?  Why is making a sacrifice and forsaking the desire to be selfish so difficult?

While this is something that we can carry out in small ways on a daily basis, I have the pleasure of knowing someone who took this verse to another level and how I know she'll be blessed for her obedience.  I'll change names as I give a brief synopsis of the situation.

Sally's mom was very ill and took a turn for the worse.  She had been admitted into the hospital on numerous occasions, but this one was different.  Sally's mom was rapidly deteriorating and it was time to call the family in.  Vicky is Sally's co-worker and associate and since Sally has no sisters, Vicky says "I'll be the sister you've never had to be with you through this difficult time."  As a result, Vicky sacrificed her time and stayed overnight in the hospital with Sally as a source of strength and to be there as needed.  In the wee hours of the morning, Vicky felt an unction to pray and they held hands around the hospital bed and began to pray and sing songs of worship.  After that, Sally's mom's fragile life slipped away.

Think about it....  What if Vicky had decided that she didn't have time for Sally or if she said, 'I'll pray for you and call me if you need anything.'  No, she took it further - she was there.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 

1 comment:

  1. When I've had those moments that I believe God is working on stuff but it
    appears not fast enough or that I have no help or no one really understands what
    I'm going through... well, like one day I was having a moment where it seemed
    like EVERYTHING (and then some extra from somewhere else) was getting to me all
    at once. All I could do was sit in my car and cry. I was like, OMG! God, I
    NEED YOU!!!! I wish somebody would help me! Do any of my friends/family/my
    pastor have discernment? Can anyone feel me in the spirit? I am about to

    Then I thought to myself (or maybe it was the Holy Spirit) what if one of your
    friends are feeling the same way. So, I started praying for my
    friends/family/pastor and I felt better afterwards. That's what this post
    reminded me of.
