Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Happiness – My Choice

I’m a fan of an inspirational writer named Ralph Marston. He wrote a piece called, “Free to be happy” and it hit me so hard.  He was basically saying how we allow others to define what happiness should look like to us - when the choice is ours.
God just blessed me to celebrate another birthday and I am ever so grateful.  However, as the years are coming and going, my requirement for happiness is changing.  While I appreciate the gifts that I received, my heartfelt desire was to spend time with the people that I cherish to my core.  Time – something I can’t get back once it’s spent.   I wanted that quality time to exchange hugs and kisses, smiles and laughter and to say “I love you.”  
When I was younger, happiness to me was stuff.  It was earning a degree and climbing the corporate ladder; it was about chasing a six figure salary and buying a bigger home.  My happiness was based upon what society considered success to look like.  All of those things are great and wonderful accomplishments to anyone who has attained them and to those still reaching for them, but I am at a point in my life where I’m defining what happiness really means to me.  Happiness to me is giving back to those who may be in need; it’s about connecting to people who love me for me and not what I can do for them; it’s about being who I am and not changing to please or meet the expectations of others; and some days happiness is just being content to just be. 
It’s my happiness, so it’s my choice.
Ralph Marston’s article can be found at ….http://greatday.com/motivate/050423.html

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Thought For The Day...

We can be so preoccupied with surviving until we miss success.
- T.D. Jakes

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Encourage Yourself

With everything going on in the world today, many times we are reaching out in search of some form of encouragement that it’s going to be okay.  However, today I simply say, “encourage yourself.”  As seasoned, mature Christians, times like these have been spoken of for many years – now it’s upon us.  We cannot grow faint or weary in heart because our heavenly Father has long prepared us for the days that are here.  Sometimes we call others and look for them to give us the strength we need to make it that extra mile, and while that’s all well and good, sometimes you have to be able to rely on your own prayers, your own beliefs, the Word that you’ve read in the Bible.  Encourage yourself!  Don’t wait for a good, hot message to get you all emotional to make you jump and shout – preach your own message.  Most times the people you are seeking encouragement from, need to be encouraged themselves.
No, I’m not saying to seclude yourself and not fellowship, but I am saying it’s time for us to practice what we’ve preached all these years and walk in Faith.  Trust God!  Speak Life!  Quote the Word!  Be Not Weary in Well Doing!  Walk by Faith and Not by Sight!  Fight the Good Fight of Faith!
Encourage Yourself!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


People make time for what they want - DON'T sell yourself short!

Monday, May 13, 2013


Five months into the year and 2013 has proven to be a year of continual transition.  Some good and some bad.  It seems like it's one thing after the next with no break in between.  I'm tired!  However, there's no time to quit.  Times like these make you decide whether you're a winner or a loser; whether you're dedicated or disengaged. 

From the sickness of ones close to me to materialistic losses to trials and tribulations on the job - it's been a challenge.  I've learned temperament, I've learned patience, I've learned that there is a deeper level to having integrity, I've learned more and more that I have a choice in how I respond.  I've learned that there are people integral to my continual growth and develolpment and some that I can simply do without!

It's at this time that we grow up for real!

"Those who wish to sing, always find a song."
- Swedish Proverb