Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Encourage Yourself

With everything going on in the world today, many times we are reaching out in search of some form of encouragement that it’s going to be okay.  However, today I simply say, “encourage yourself.”  As seasoned, mature Christians, times like these have been spoken of for many years – now it’s upon us.  We cannot grow faint or weary in heart because our heavenly Father has long prepared us for the days that are here.  Sometimes we call others and look for them to give us the strength we need to make it that extra mile, and while that’s all well and good, sometimes you have to be able to rely on your own prayers, your own beliefs, the Word that you’ve read in the Bible.  Encourage yourself!  Don’t wait for a good, hot message to get you all emotional to make you jump and shout – preach your own message.  Most times the people you are seeking encouragement from, need to be encouraged themselves.
No, I’m not saying to seclude yourself and not fellowship, but I am saying it’s time for us to practice what we’ve preached all these years and walk in Faith.  Trust God!  Speak Life!  Quote the Word!  Be Not Weary in Well Doing!  Walk by Faith and Not by Sight!  Fight the Good Fight of Faith!
Encourage Yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Amen and amen again! Very true words. Sometimes the encourager needs encouragement! :) Sometimes many can forget this, but we need to start at home (within ourselves).
