Saturday, May 31, 2014

The New Normal...

Since when did accepting dysfunction become the new normal?  When did running ourselves ragged and feeling guilty about taking breaks become acceptable? When did it become okay to not accept responsibility for your actions, by just simply calling it a mistake?

I'm a news junkie and can pretty much watch CNN all day long, but recently I've strayed away from my favorite past time.  It's like we've accepted dysfunction as the new normal and just make excuses for why it is okay.  No one seems to want to question morals, ethics or even test the validity of statements being made.  Just accept that times are changing and move on!  

We have less time to build substantive relationships because we are so busy living life and then wonder why we have so many broken families.  The new normal makes it okay to spend less time with your children and still be an outstanding parent because they have on the latest pair of J's, the new xbox and the iPhone 6 by the age of 10.  The new normal says it's okay to be rude and disrespectful because this is just that 'new' generation.  The new normal says give me what I want without having to work hard for it.  But along with this new normal comes new consequences - sickness, disease and death are knocking at our doors earlier and earlier.   The ability to hold a simple, yet effective conversation is diminishing as we evolve into 'text junkies!'  Our children are falling further behind educationally and being raised by technology, but we call it progress. 

Don't fall victim to this new normal.  

1 comment:

  1. Very true; we must take time and make time for what's right and important. May we get back to the core of family, friends, & God. Life is too short for anything else!
