Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Adjustments For Happiness...

What adjustments you are willing to make to be happy?

Don't do drama ... 
Stay out of other people's business .. 
Can't hang with everyone ... 
Give up a job that's asking you to compromise your moral standards... 
You don't have to be popular to be happy!

Make a decision to be happy and stop allowing others to drag you around.   
What is righteousness, peace and joy worth to you?

Live deeper than I want, I think, I feel.

You don't need everyone's approval to function in life.  

It's hard to give it up now, but you'll be happy later.  

God wants us all to have a good life, so what are you willing to give up? 
Our morals and standards don't evolve because God doesn't evolve!
 Make the right choices so that you can live without regrets.  
 - Notes from a sermon by Joyce Meyer