Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Goal Setting

What was the last goal that you set for yourself to accomplish?  Did you reach your goal?  If not, why?  What hindered you?

I've learned that in order for goal setting to be effective, the goal must be specific, measurable and realistic.  A goal doesn't have to be monumental, but it just needs to mean something to you.  I've been successful in life by setting goals along this journey.  I set personal as well as professional goals.  As soon as I accomplish one, I set out for the next.  I honestly believe that goal setting and fulfillment takes discipline.  It also shows if you're committed to keeping your word to yourself.  We strive to keep our word to others, but what about to ourselves?

I've set a goal for myself and I have a year to prepare to meet it.  My goal is to run a half marathon in February 2013.    This is 13.1 miles and I'm committed to turning this goal into a reality. 

Today - set a new goal for yourself and stick to it; write it down, track your progress and reward yourself when you reach that goal.

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