Saturday, April 18, 2015

Join Me...

“You are by far the most positive and happy person I have ever met!!” This was from an e-mail that I received the other day at work and I replied, “That is the best compliment that I’ve received all day.”

I’m in a new environment in my workplace and more often than not, I hear people telling me how positive I am.  I’ve stressed over and over and over again that Happiness is a Choice!  It’s not something that is forced upon us.  

I have the same feelings that everyone else feels, I have some of the same thoughts that others have; I have my good and bad days, ups and downs.  However, I choose not to stay there.  I force myself to THINK UP; I force myself to FEEL UP; I force myself to CHEER UP! 

You and I may not be able to control the thoughts that come to our minds, but we can CHOOSE whether we dwell on them.  I don’t like how it feels when I’m sad; I don’t like how I feel when I’m mad; I don’t like how I feel when I’m depressed and distraught, so I don’t allow myself to remain in that state. 

Participate!  Join me in this awesome feeling.  The choice is really yours!  When I find myself getting down, I take a walk and pray or meditate on a scripture.  Look for the good in every situation.  Assume the best until proven otherwise. I refuse to be a person walking around expecting the worst in the situation. 

I thank God for giving me the ability to choose between death and life. I choose life by choosing to be happy because I’m letting go of the stress, strain and anxiety which can lead to an early death, brought on by sickness and disease.  Happiness is a choice and I invite you to join me!

“The demands of everyday life can be wearing for a person. We need a shot in the arm--an injection of JOY! Joy that refuses to stay quarantined. Joy that runs rampant through the daily-ness of existence. Like engaging smiles and hearty laughter, joy is contagious. We catch it from one another.”

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