Thursday, August 30, 2012

Friends w/Benefits

Many of us have heard this saying before, but I’m sure it wasn’t in the context that I want to relate today.

I recall the story in Mark chapter 2 when a man with palsy was trying to get in to see Jesus, but there were so many people in the room until his friends couldn’t get him in.  So, being persistent enough to get their friend the help needed from the source they knew could help him they tore up the roof and let him down that way.  Now you talk about loving your friend!  Hence, I like to use the phrase, “friends with benefits.”  The benefit to this man was obviously that his friends were mobile and had the ability to carry him before the presence of greatness and the source of restoration and healing.  Another benefit of the friends was compassion.  As long as they saw that their friend wanted to change, they felt for his misfortune and did what it took to help him get better. 

They could have easily said “oh we’re praying for you and wishing the best for you,” but they took it a step further to physically HELP him get there.  Friends with benefits back up their words with actions.  Do you have any friends with benefits?  Do you have a friend that will take you by the hand and show you how to get the help you need?  Who will sacrifice their time for you because they genuinely love and care for you?

LOL! I heard someone say once that you can make your mouth fry chicken!!!!  BUT when it comes time to put those words into action, where are they?    I don’t mean this in the sense that the friend with the benefit is always the one giving, but the “right God connected” friend with the benefits understands that it is better to give than to receive and they also understand that you reap what you sow and they also understand that  God isn’t requiring anything of them that He hasn’t already done Himself.

1 comment:

  1. Wow; wise words! What a way to look at this saying. I'm blessed to have my friends with benefits! :)
