Thursday, December 19, 2013

What Really Matters?

The opportunity to take time away and relax doesn't come as often as we'd like in the lives that we've turned into rat races. Always on the go and it seems that nothing is ever good enough. We run ourselves into the ground and call it success.  When we do sit down to rest and catch our breath, we call it being unproductive.  Somewhere along the way we've got it twisted!  We don't want to wait at a red light; we don't to wait for food to cook in the oven; we don't want to wait for a phone call, so we text; we don't want to wait for God to bring us what He wants us to have, so we force situations that don't fit.  

Our lives have become complicated and we are discontented to the fault of no one but ourselves.  We are trying to fit into a mold that God never intended.  We spend more money than we make to impress people who don't care, to fit into an imitation of life.  What really matters?

What really matters at the end of the day when you're all alone?  What really matters when the chatter dies and it's quiet?  What really matters when sickness comes and life is fleeting?  What really matters when no one will pick up the phone to talk or you didn't get invited out?

What is really important?  We talk a good talk, but what really matters to you?


  1. This is so on point!!! We are a fast food-right now nation.

    Thank God for the reminders to slow down and enjoy the ride. Life is truly a blessing.

    1. We all need them from time to time. I'm trying to definitely practice what I preach...
