Monday, February 6, 2012

I Trust You God, BUT...

After some candid discussions this weekend, I had an "A ha" moment.  I can be honest with myself when I say that there are areas in my life where I'm not exhibiting the level of faith in God that I thought I had.  So in essence I'm saying, "I trust you God, but I got this one."  My thought process went like this...

There are areas in our lives where we've made the mess.  We've tried to manipulate and control situations and they didn't work out and they left us hurt and scarred.  Now that God is trying to do a work in us, we are reluctant.  But why?  It wasn't God that made the mess - it was us!!!  The discussion that revealed all of this was surrounding relationships.  The discovery made was that there is a true anxiety surrounding giving my heart completely to another, for fear of them failing me.  BUT... where is the trust and faith in God that He knows what I need and will not set me up to fail?

When we don't seek God about situations in our lives and when we try to control them and get hurt - we can't then shut down and make excuses about why we are not progressing.  Excuse me - "I" can't.

Please take time to visit this link...  "Stop Trying to Control Everything."

1 comment:

  1. Thank yo for sharing. I must say that I walked away with some of the same realizations myself!
