Sunday, November 11, 2012

Moving On...

So I've been facilitating classes online for the past 4 years and I finally decided to resign.  Initially I felt like I was just being a quitter and was very reluctant to make the move.  It's something that I've been contemplating for a while now.  However, after speaking with a friend about it, she was like "you're not quitting, you're moving on."  She's absolutely right, I'm moving on.  Honestly I was beginning to lose the enjoyment behind what I was doing and I would have been more of a hindrance to the students than a help.  People can notice when your passion is gone.

Now, I won't say that you can just move on from anything, but there are many things that you can.  The decision to move one has left me feeling at peace.  Facilitating online classes served it's purpose in my life and I thank God for the ability to do it for as long as I did.

It's time for a new challenge in my life and time for me to develop new goals.  I'm moving on to my next assignment...

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