Friday, December 28, 2012

Anointed Passion...

We've all been passionate about something at one time or another in our lives, but have you ever asked God to anoint your passion?

Passion is a very strong feeling or a powerful/intense emotion.  Strong

I've been passionate about my career and my education, but if I don't ask God to
anoint them, I won't be able to see the full manifestation of His glory through
my abilities.  I believe that God makes us passionate people because whatever
the passion is, that's the area where we can make the most influence.  I also
believe that some passions can jade our perception and cause us to veer away
from the right path.  Many passionate people may have started out with focus,
but lost their sense of direction along the way when that passion became
untamed.  Just look at the many singers that started out in the church choir,
but are now not good representatives of righteousness. 

Whatever you're passionate about, ask God to anoint that passion.  If it's His
desire and will for your life - He will make a way for you to flourish in it so
that He might receive all glory.  Because after all, it is our desire to be used
by and for God.


  1. Whooooo. Powerful words! Definitely going to pray on this! God's hands are in everything; why not our passion for what we want to do as well??!!

    1. Yes because we want to do and be the best possible as a testimony to the power of our God!
