Wednesday, July 24, 2013

God Sent A Man ...

Please be encouraged by this passage from a book called, "God Sent a Man" by Carlyle B. Haynes....

"There is no state or condition into which men or devils may precipitate us that takes us beyond the reach of our heavenly Father. Do not allow any combination of circumstances, no matter how complicated and seemingly impossible, to cause you to believe that God has lost His ability to help you, to bring you deliverance, to change your hopeless captivity into glorious victory. When God's time has come He can make every difficulty vanish. He can cause every barrier to disappear. Nothing, literally nothing, can stand in the way of the carrying out of His purpose, the fulfillment of His will. And God's intervention to completely change the circumstances of a life can come instantly.

It does not matter that you see no way out from a completely hopeless condition. God can see what you cannot see. You may be in, or be brought into, great trials that present what seems to be insurmountable difficulties. They may be caused by the loss of some loved one, by some embarrassing circumstances, or by some other calamitous events. You may come to think your situation is hopeless, and be unable to perceive any way of escape.

If and when such a time comes to you, do not lose your confidence in the God with whom nothing is impossible, even though every human help has failed you. Never is His arm shortened that it cannot save. Never is His ear heavy so that it cannot hear. Your extremity may easily be His opportunity. He is never at a loss for means by which to affect His Gracious purposes."

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome...I need to read this book! Thanks for sharing. :-)
