Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Art of Distraction…

One of my all time favorite movies is Pretty Woman.  There is a scene where Vivian and Edward are lying in bed and Edward says to Vivian "I think you are a very bright special woman," and she responds "the bad stuff is easier to believe, you ever notice that?"

Hhmmm… why is the bad stuff easier to believe for some people?  I think at some point in time we’ve all experienced the feeling of inadequacy and thinking that we are just not good enough.  We work our fingers to the bone and accomplish things that warrant a round of applause, but yet it’s just not good enough.  Or is it?

I heard my pastor say the other day that the devil studies us in order to know how to fight against us.  I think that many times it’s by way of our esteem and self worth.  The devil has mastered the art of distraction.  If he can get us to focus on ourselves long enough and what may or may not be lacking, it will take our focus of off serving God with all our might.  We become so distracted and self absorbed until before long we are drained from fighting the wrong fight.

Let’s recognize the distraction for what it is – a tactic to keep us from being Strong and Powerful in God.  Get your focus back and know that you were fearfully and wonderfully made and that God knew you while you were yet in your mother’s womb.  He created you to do a great work for Him and He’s waiting on you.

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