Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Energy of Frustration [Me Time]

There are times when we experience frustration and we don't even know why.  I've found personally that it's then that I need to step back and have some "me time" to figure things out.  As a woman, I'm constantly trying to make sure that everyone and everything is okay and most times I'm the one who is lacking the much needed attention.  Yesterday, while having some "me time," I was reading a book by T.D. Jakes called, "The Lady, Her Lover, and Her Lord and here is an excerpt that stuck out to me in just the first chapter, which is called Falling in Love With Yourself:

"We live for others and their causes, making our own needs and presence secondary pursuits.  Sadly, sometimes we place ourselves so far on the back burner that the dreams boil out and leave only a parched pot where once we had personal expectation.  When dreams boil out, a scorching heat of stress and anxiety  causes the kettle to give a shrill sound before the burning begins.  That shrill sound can be heard in our excesses and overindulgences, which camouflage the fact that we are frustrated with dreams that are denied and hopes that seem deferred.  The burning, destructive, compulsive behaviors could all be avoided if we only, with patience and perserverance, took life in small doses and allowed ourselves the privlege of having an appointment with our own attention and scheduled ourselves as clients that we must see before th day is over.  In short, take time for yourself!  Listen to the hissing sound before you catch fire!"
You are just as important as everyone  and everything else!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is confirmation of a conversation I had with a friend this week. "Me time" is such a necessity. I've neglected myself in this area as well, but am doing a lot better.
