Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fighting Change...

God speaks, so just listen.

Resisting inevitable change will make you unhappy.  This truth in my life became very clear as God placed that message on my heart.  There is a LOT of change taking place on my job and because I’ve been so set in my ways of doing it my way (the same way); I’ve been walking around a bit sullen.  This became evident when a staff member told me, “just pray about it.”  Ha!  The message that I preach so much to them – allowed them to be a mirror to me – and I had to heed to my own message.  While I’ve been feeling that my leadership hasn’t been playing fair, what I failed to realize was that I was resisting inevitable change.  Everything doesn’t have to be a fight.

God speaks, so just listen.

It’s like in our own spiritual walks with God.  When He is ready to change a season in our lives and we want so desperately to hold on to the familiar, that we fight the change and call it the devil.  LOL!  Ever done that?  God is definitely pushing me to a place of trusting Him more and relying on Him daily for direction.

I have a choice in how I respond to change and today I choose to have a positive attitude.  I choose to be happy.  I choose to trust God that He will take care of me through it all.  I choose to speak life to myself and those that surround me. 


  1. You are right! We all have a choice/decision in everything. Good or bad begins with a choice..Trust in our God he will help you make the right choice.

  2. Wow!! So timely! We must trust Him in all things! Thank you & blessings.
