Thursday, December 26, 2013

What's The Message? Part II

Yesterday we talked about the message that we send, through the lives we live, and I wanted to continue with that topic today.

In the book of Ruth, we see that because of Ruth's commitment, loyalty, love, integrity and devotion to Naomi that she was noticed by a prominent person and received favor.  Ruth displayed the characteristics that many of us would desire anyone to possess that is connected to us.  Her life was her message and as a result, she was selected over many for a prestigious role - married to Boaz.  He said to her "for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman."  Her actions far exceeded any words that she could have spoken.

Women often say they are waiting on their Boaz to come, but if he did come, would he find the life that you are living worthy of the life he is willing to offer you?  Yes - there are still some really good men in the world!

To continue with the discussion, for me this passage of scripture transcended the realm of romantic relationships, but carried over into many other facets in life.  On the job - who is watching us? In our neighborhood - who is watching us?  In our churches - who is watching us?

What messages are you sending that would cause someone to change your entire status for the better?

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