Monday, December 16, 2013

You Can't Come...

Why do we insist on trying to take people with us, even if it's to our own detriment?  We've tried it before and it didn't work, but yet we find ourselves doing it again.  The people that we are insisting on dragging into our future will eventually deplete us of our resources, drain our strength and decrease our motivation to excel.  However, for the sake of companionship, we accept things we know we shouldn't, make excuses for their behavior and try to make up for their shortcomings.  At the end of the day we are left feeling used, abused and confused.

Matthew 25 - this is the story in the Bible about the Ten Virgins (5 wise and 5 foolish).  The five wise virgins made the necessary preparations for their anticipation of the bridegroom, but the five foolish were not prepared.  When the resources of the foolish ran out, they asked that the five wise give to them.  Being wise, they answered correctly by saying no and for the foolish to go and seek out what they needed.  While gone to get what was needed the bridegroom came and it was too late for the foolish to go in.  What if the wise virgins had shared their resources?  They would have missed out on this opportunity as well.

What are we missing out on because we refuse to say no; because we refuse to leave the wrong people behind and just move on?  What is God not allowing to come into our lives because He knows that those wrong connections will consume it and misuse it?

It's time to step back and take an honest look at our lives and the people who occupy our time.  It's time to stand up and say, "no you can't come!"

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