Saturday, March 23, 2013

Accountability Partner

Do you have an accountability partner?  Someone to keep you encouraged and motivated; someone to tell you when you're wrong and help guide you to what is right; someone you trust to have your best interest at heart; someone who isn't there to stroke your ego or coddle your self pity, but to tell you the truth....

I remember when I was on my "first' weight loss journey and my health coach was my accountability partner.  While losing the weight was a benefit to me, there was something unnerving about having to do that weekly call and telling her that I'd made a mistake.  However, when I did fess up, she didn't condemn me, but she gave me guidance on how to do better.  I wrote a blog once before about how we sometimes push people away when they give advice, but not everyone is out to harm you.  Of course you must pay enough attention to the signs to know who genuinely cares.

We are not on an island alone, so we all need help from time to time.  We all need someone who thinks differently and sees the situation differently to help us reassess our own reasoning.

"If two men agree on everything, you may be sure that one of them is doing the thinking."
- Lyndon B. Johnson
“If we both agree on everything, one of us is not necessary.”
- Unknown

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